Hello again from king HQ, hope everyone is keeping well an enjoying the amazing weather.
The troop continues to grow in numbers so I guess finally we must be doing something right at last. What a month it’s been since the last report – finally the return of our beloved carnival. It did mean scouting activities had to take a back seat for a week or two as the scouts started to prepare for the float which was themed at the 90s, the best decade ever however all the scouts were like you’re way too old, that’s like decades ago, how we supposed to know what was going on all them years ago? Funny it seems like only a year or two ago to me.
So, we had the launch of the World Wide Web for the start of the 90s decade and finished with the fearful Y2K Millennium virus with some Star Wars Jedi and five young ladies called Posh, Scary, Ginger, Sporty and Baby providing the music entertainment. (It wasn’t my idea to dress Cameron, Albert, George, Riley and Aidan as the Spice Girls, it was all their idea honest). I have no idea where they would have got such an idea like that from, it not like Skip would have done such a thing or even thought of it. The leaders followed up the rear with HMS Cool Runnings (the Jamaican bobsled team complete with lucky egg). I can’t believe how many people have never seen the film. Anyway our bobsled contained the troops most valuable asset the one and only Her Royal Highness queen Sharon (who actually looked the part). Well, all our hard work paid off as the scouts managed first place in their class and Cool Runnings managed a remarkable second (Sanga, kiss me lucky egg, it worked). All us leaders and parents are super proud of the scouts and well done to all the other young people taking part making it all in all such a fun day full of laughter.
Well done to all those in the background who put the whole day together over the last year or two, a great job and it’s great to be back out bringing joy to the community again.
As a troop we have to say a huge thank you to Rob Martin and DBS of Southampton for coming through supplying a lorry and driver at last moment for our float after unforeseen circumstances, Rob you are a life saver thank you.
Project 23 and WSJ fundraising is ongoing, they provided a great evening event after the carnival and well done to the Front Liners and Johnny and the Backing Tracks. I know John thoroughly enjoyed his sets. Please keep an eye out for details of our virtual race night later in the year and other fun filled things planned. Right, on with the next scouting planning planning thingy – oh a troop camp in a few weeks, the first for some camping, I know better make it fun so they will want to go again (maybe that’s not such a good idea then, LOL).
Right I’m sure I have missed something and it’s probably very important but old age and lack of sleep is kicking in so if I have I apologise and will try and remember for next month. Right I’m off, goodnight, all stay safe, see you all next month.
All the best from all at King troop