Cubs climb to new heights

Well, that’s it, the end of the summer term… it’s been busy again this month. We handed over the evening to the Sixers at the start of July, Sam, George, Stanley and Jesse all took charge. They also had a new six, for one night only, it was orange six and this had all our leaders/ young leaders being Cubs for the evening. It was fun, we had a great giggle as leaders, doing the behaviours that the Cubs do on a regular basis such as talking while leaders are talking, playing hide and seek behind the curtains and leaning against the wall – it was funny to hear the phrases that we lead as you said back to us! The Sixers took control and organised cricket, we had a fabulous evening and at the end of it the feedback was that it was difficult to be a leader, really hard to get people to listen and hard because you didn’t get to join in the fun!

The following week was over the Common for an evening of camouflage and hiding- it’s amazing how you can be highly camouflaged but still get found due to talking! A skill that requires perfecting.

The following week was climbing at Boulder Shack in Portswood, unfortunately Akela was busy partying and enjoyed an all exclusive holiday in Turkey (she sold it to the other leaders as doing a recce visit to see if we could take Zulu away on camp next year to Turkey). Unfortunately although each Cub would love the resort, the resort wouldn’t have been ready for Zulu to descend! But such are the great leaders at Zulu they had an amazing time bouldering and investing our newest cub Albert, halfway up a climbing wall! Welcome to the pack Albert.

The final Thursday of the term normally has a BBQ and water fight with parents and family participation, this year due to having the hottest day ever in the UK and everything being tinder dry we decided that bringing shared picnic items was safer. In true Zulu style, we started with water games of running a relay race with cups of water being filled from a paddling pool and then to the team bucket, we continued with water balloons filled and past overheads and through life without popping or dropping them. We then stopped for food, followed by the water balloon fight followed by the water pistols – Akela was number one target! And she had forgotten change of clothes and a towel! The drive home was very soggy!

We said goodbye to Alex, who is off to Bournemouth to find a scout troop near his new home. We wish you good luck on your new adventures. Stanley and Thomas also said goodbye to Zulu, they have both worked very hard to complete their Silver Award – both achieved this and were presented with this highest achievement award for a Cub – well done both and we wish you well on your scouting journey.

The rest of us will be having a few weeks off to recharge ready for September when we have some Beavers coming to join us, if you have any young person who wishes to join the fun of Thursday’s bring them along at 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM at the scout hut.

Jo Stubbington