Last month we left you hanging on the eve of Dyak’s Halloween Sleepover. In atypical Dyak fashion though we’re pleased to report the night was uneventful, a handful of Walkers, sorry Cubs, who thought somewhere around 2am was the ideal time to fall asleep but other than that and the resultant very tired Cubs in the morning, it was a splendidly triumphant sleepover – no trees fell over and the electricity stayed on. In the morning the Cubs enjoyed the, now traditional, pumpkin shaped pancakes before packing them off to their parents at 10am.
The first meeting of the month was pencilled in as a visit from one of the local Ambulance teams but unfortunately illness got the better of them and they were unable to attend. The evening was hastily re-arranged with the Cubs working on their Personal Challenges – hopefully many parents will appreciate the commitment to bed making and tidy rooms over the coming weeks – and preparing some of the older Cubs for their transition to Scouts. This involves revealing the ancient art of tea making and also reminding Cubs that Scout Leaders work best when fuelled with both tea and Chocolate Hobnobs.
The following week Dyak Cubs made their, what has become, somewhat traditional, silent soldier window display at the Scout HQ. As always, the Leaders give guidance but ultimately the window display is the Cub’s own work and their interpretation of events that ended over three quarters of a century ago at best. The following Sunday, Dyak Cubs, and the entire Scout Group, attended the Remembrance Day Parade and open-air Service at the War Memorial, along with representatives of the Royal British Legion and much of the local community. Dyak leaders are proud of you all, you are a credit to yourselves and the Group, as were all the young people who took part this year.
The penultimate meeting of the month was a World Scout Jamboree Experience hosted by Gethin of Everett Scout Troop. Gethin was a Dyak Cub and its always a special pleasure to welcome a member of the pack back and see how they are getting on. Gethin explained how the selection process worked for the Jamboree and telling, with great enthusiasm, about the whole experience thus far before regaling the Cubs with what he knew about the coming Jamboree in August of next year. The Cubs listened enthralled to his tales and we could certainly see some of them already setting their sights on the following one in 2027.
Gethin also planned an evening of South Korean themed activities: Gonggi (a stone wrapped in fabric which you play a sort of game of keepie-ups with), picking up skittles with chop-sticks (much to the frustration of the Cubs), origami folding of a lotus flower and, much to the horror of many of the Cubs, a South Korean taster banquet of seaweed, noodles, BBQ sauce, kimchi and prawn crackers. A fun evening and if these hallowed yellow pages could do justice to a photo, we would have shared some of the faces pulled during the food eating!!!
With the distant rumble of the mighty yellow presses beginning to ring in our ears, the final meeting of the month was upon us. The District Scrap Heap Competition with Stanley’s Own hosting this year’s event with packs from 4th Eling, 5th Testwood and 6th Netley Marsh attending. The assembled Cubs (many, many of them) were presented with assorted recycling “rubbish” and challenged to build a device, machine or model from the plethora of discarded cardboard and plastic whilst bearing in mind the theme of planes, trains and automobiles. Within an hour several amazing creations emerged from the scrap heap with the independent judges from the Scout Active Support team awarding 1st place to a team from 5th Testwood with one of Dyak’s teams coming a proud 3rd.
And so, the month of the great Ho-Ho-Ho has once again crept up on us, preparations are afoot for Dyak’s Christmas Party and our Christmas Sleepover before Dyak Leaders retire to Dyak Towers to plan next terms fun. By the time you read this December will be upon us, hopefully there will be a certain crispness in the air and a tinkle of bells in the distance so with seasonal tidings and goodwill to all, the team at Dyak Pack wish you all a very Merry Christmas and we will catch up with you all in late December when the Turkey lays heavy upon our bellies.
If you are aged between 8 and 10½ and think this sounds like fun, or you know someone who is, and would like to Join Our Adventure then please feel free to have your adult contact Kev or any of the Leaders if you would like to try Cubs with Dyak – we meet on Tuesdays during term time between 6.30pm and 8.00pm. Our contact details are [email protected]
Ian Newman