Looking forward to camp

From King HQ, we hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying the slightly warm weather we are having, won’t be long and we’ll be complaining it’s cold and wet.

Not too much news this month, sorry, by the time you have read this the Troop will have had hopefully a great summer camp so will report on that next month to help fill a page or two.

The troop continues to grow slowly as we welcomed three more fantastic Cubs from our little brothers and sisters from Zulu, they are a tremendous credit to the section and leaders, and now it’s time to further their scouting adventure. We finish the summer term with our family get together in a game of rounders and safe to say much fun was had by both parents and scouts – better luck next year scouts.

That’s my lot, have fun, stay safe, enjoy the rest and summer sun, it will soon be christmas.

From the Scouts and leaders of King Troop.