Wow, the end of the term is upon us! Good luck to both troops who are heading off to camp over the next few weeks, King troop heading to Foxlease for a weekend of activity and Everett Troop who are heading for Dorset for a week on the Jurassic Coast! Hope you both have a great time away.
It gave me great pleasure to be able to present four Bronze awards for Beavers at Bartley Water Beavers at their crate stacking evening on the apparatus at Ferny Crofts, great to see the Beavers and leaders having so much fun as they wound up their final meeting of term! Good luck and well done to the Beavers on completing their awards (and to the leaders who made it happen).
Huge well done to the scouts who completed another astonishing challenge to raise monies for their WSJ/ P23 trips next year – this month’s challenge saw the team of scouts pull a trek cart across the forest on the hottest weekend of the year! A fantastic team effort and many congratulations to all involved! It continually amazes me when the young people rise to challenges such as this, they are a real credit to themselves, their scout troop and the group – well done all.
Congratulations to the team from Everett Troop who won this year’s district camping competition, they beat stiff competition from Lyndhurst and Testwood teams to earn a place at this year’s county Emlyn trophy- well done all.
It looks like this year’s carnival has been a huge success for the group, we have had some really great feedback about the event and rumour has it that the carnival committee are already on the case for a bigger and better event for next year! Huge thanks to all those who assisted with this year’s events over carnival weekend.
At the end of term, I would like to give a mention to the hard working leaders from Stanley’s Own, it has been a fantastic year for the group with lots of highlights but none of it would have been possible without your dedication, effort and imagination! So, on behalf of a bunch of very grateful young people… thank you for all you do. We will see you all again in September.
Huge thanks to all those who have supported the group over the last few terms, too many to name but there are a lot of people who support the group in non uniformed roles – again, thank you all, you have enabled the leaders to provide scouting for a great many people.
Please keep an eye out for the Christmas fair in December – the plans are already underway for another great event! Details to follow… Anyway, it’s time to go, caving with the scouts awaits me…
Thanks again all, have a great summer. I for one am looking forward to a couple of weeks off after camp! A little trip to Kandersteg for Suiss Adventure 2022 with Hampshire Scouts awaits but they say a change is as good as a rest.
Waz, GSL.