Our thanks to Doreen and Charlie Whitehorn who collected £153.52 for our Group by putting a collection box on their gate whilst their wonderful Christmas lights adorned their garden during December. I am sure that it brightened up many people’s evenings when going past their house and it certainly did me as I am lucky enough to live opposite so had the pleasure of seeing them most days.
We received the tree assessment report early in January and, as we suspected, we do have to do some remedial work on most of the trees, some immediate and some not so. This will take a toll on our finances so some urgent fundraising will be required. Please continue to support us as much as you can and if you know of any grants that may be available to help us with this work please contact me.
I must thank Brian Loades for coming to our aid on many occasions. He has been called out for blocked toilets, overflowing waste disposal, damaged locks and countless other minor and, in our opinion major, catastrophes. He is our ‘Mr Fixit’ and somehow manages to smile most of the time. We couldn’t do without you Brian!
Now that we are in a New Year our Treasurer will be balancing the accounts for 2022 and preparing for our AGM which I hope will be on Saturday 29 April at our Group Camp.
The committee is lacking non-scout members. To have a balanced committee we need to have people who are parents, guardians or have an interest in our Group. The Group Executive Committee aims to make sure that the Scout Group has the facilities and resources needed to deliver good Scouting in the Group and to ensure that the Group can provide this for our young people both now and in the future. If you are interested in helping in this way please contact me for more information and a chat.