Well done to the scouts who took part in the carnival weekend, I am not sure what happened with the judging this year but despite the best efforts of the troop this year’s spoils went to The guides – although it was a great float and worthy winners! We must try a little harder I think….
Joking apart the carnival weekend was great and thoroughly enjoyed by all concerned, the weather was great and for the event but as always, the entrants of the carnival made sure it was a successful day, it was a great effort by the troop members who along with parents who did a cracking job of costumes and helped no end on the day.
As always credit for the creative side of the float must go to Ord Hume/Sargent/Byrne Engineering Ltd for their excellent guidance of the troop and creating the float; all are under contract for a few years so despite Peter thinking he is having next year off there is lots of work to be done!
I am going to take some credit though – the “Master Plan” as I like to call it was exceptional this year and gave us the base to work from!!!
We had some great parent input which was a real help on the float this year – I am led to believe the parents are taking up the mantel next year though…
Well done to the team on another win in the Trek cart race, great race by both teams though – until you pull one of these and take it apart you really don’t appreciate how difficult and heavy it is!
Congratulation to Dan Sargent on completing 5 years as an adult leader – our DC managed to catch Dan whilst float building to present his award – only another 30 years to go Dan!
We are in the process of completing lots of badges that we have been working on for some time and hopefully we will have a presentation evening prior to going to camp so the scouts can get as many badges sewn on as possible.
We have had a busy few weeks at Scouts with plenty of traditional scouting mixed in with preparing for carnival! We are also off cycling for a couple sessions, looks like the Scout are going to get a taste of competitive racing which has been put together by one of the troop
Due to an influx of new members we are looking to cover of a few investitures in the next couple of weeks
The next few weeks will see us preparing for camp, canoeing in Beaulieu and hopefully some climbing at Ferny Crofts to end the term with.
Huge congratulations to Gethin, Ollie T, Charlie, Leo and Matt who secured a well-earned victory in the district camping competition for this year. It was a great weekend of hard-fought camping which made the moon landing look easy!
Scouts now have the opportunity to represent the troop, Stanley’s Own and New Forest District Scouts at this year‘s county Emlyn camping competition in September. I think it’s fair to say we need to brush up on a few bits and pieces, but the scouts are certainly up for the challenge to take on the best in the County.
As always, we are on the lookout for new members, so if you know somebody who you think needs to inject some fun into their lives or has a real buzz for being cold, wet and dirty whilst abseiling from a tower or likes sleepless nights in a muddy trench in the pouring rains of November please feel free to mention the troop – new member always welcome.
Warren – Scout Leader